Five things

Inspired by Bookgrrl’s post on 5 things that are the same or different to 5 years ago (the last time the Census rolled around) I thought I’d reflect on this too. I had to stop and think about the question of where I was living 5 years ago – it seems like a lifetime ago…

A word about Mother’s Day

Growing up, my family was never big on things like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Valentine’s Day and any other Hallmark Days you care to think of.  I do remember feeling a bit like the odd one out during my school days as all my friends would talk about what they had bought for their mum,…

There’s a bear in there

The gorgeous picture of the grizzly bear lying sleeping on the log that is at the top of this blog comes from National Geographic (there, I’ve acknowledged the source).  This is the full picture: I have Google desktop set up at work and one of the nifty little widgety, gadgety things that I have sitting…

Desperately seeking a hobby

What happens when ALL your kids decide to move to their dad’s for a while and are only home with you 4 nights in 14? What on earth did I used to do with all that spare time after work and on weekends before I had kids?  Suddenly, 6pm seems awfully early to be arriving…

Getting the balance right

The General has had another car accident.  Again, it wasn’t his fault but again, his car has been written off and again, he has neck and back injuries that are keeping him from school and work.  The doctor also thinks he might be slightly concussed.  Also this week in the 3-ring circus, Bookworm has surgery…

Update from the front line

The job’s ok (you can read a bit about it here), everyone at home seems to be coping with it, so why do I still feel so flat about the whole thing? The thing I miss the most is hanging out with the kids in the afternoons/evenings after school.  Everything else can be outsourced or…