In my neighbourhood: Soggy Sunday

There’s an #EastCoastLow affecting cities and towns up and down, well, the east coast of Australia at the moment. We haven’t been too badly affected where I live in south western Sydney, apart from the cabin fever of a 7 month old border collie puppy, who has pretty much been stuck inside for 2 days straight…

A quick Vivid post

I’m putting up two posts today, which feels like cheating, but really the earlier one was ready yesterday, I just forgot to hit ‘publish’ in all the excitement of a busy day spent talking research data management and catching up with colleagues at my former place of work. AND I went to Vivid. For a few…

All the blogging

This post started out life as a comment on Bookgrrl’s latest post and quickly became so long that I decided it would be better to turn it into a post all by itself. I have really struggled to write anything library related on my blog for quite some time. By joining my two previously separate blogs,…

Just send us a bio

Kate’s post from earlier this week really nailed something that troubles me and so many of my colleagues – imposter syndrome. It comes into play when applying for a job, questioning a manager’s decision or sometimes even something as seemingly trivial as choosing a new outfit or hairstyle. As Kate pointed out it’s often, but…

Why run?

Since January, I’ve been gradually coming back to running. There was a time 7 or 8 years ago that I ran regularly, 3 or 4 days a week, mostly at dawn in the Royal National Park with my dear friend and neighbour Linda. The years have rolled on, injuries and other setbacks put a hiatus…

On this day

Quick! I’m in need of a meme or today’s post is in danger of becoming another photo with a few lines, like yesterday’s. Inspired by Con, who was in turn inspired – here it is: I’m reading – not much at the moment, (sorry Book Club!) Plenty of blog posts though I’m watching – cooking shows on…

The uncertainty of occupation

First up, a fact about me that you may not know. When I first left high school I started a degree in Occupational Therapy at Cumberland College of Health Sciences in Sydney. I didn’t survive past the end of Semester 1, I believe it was a psychology essay that finally tipped me over the edge…