Taking books (and reading) for granted

In libraries everywhere the debate about whether the printed book is dead, or merely not that useful anymore continues to be a discussion. Of course, it can largely depend on the type of library in question. In my sector, academic libraries are making room for more student space often at the expense of print material because circulation (that’s library…

Wombat Divine – a countdown post

When the kids were little, I used to read to them at night and in December I used to try and find a different Christmas story, or a chapter about Christmas from a bigger book to read each night. It was a challenge trying to find something different to read every night so we did…

A bucket list – 10 Oz books to read

A meme of sorts! Thanks to Snail for posting First Tuesday’s (2012) list of 10 Oz books to read before you die. I cynically add the 2012 as some of these books are quite recent and I imagine that if the experts revisited this list in 10 years time it may look quite different. As…

So you want to be a librarian?

I’ve been involved in a review of some material in our Library & Information Science collection and in the process have come across some gems from the past. I’ve already highlighted one book that devoted a (short) chapter to the role of women in libraries. Today I bring you a short quote about the future…

Journal or book – does it matter anymore?

Today I put out on twitter Does it really matter if students know if their source is a journal or a book? Why/why not? #infolit #crowdsourcing as this is something that has increasingly had me wondering. This has been prompted in part by a discussion on twitter yesterday about whether as undergraduate students ourselves we ever used…

Browsing in the digital world

This post was inspired by a Mashable post on the importance of browsing to content discovery. To me browsing is essentially a visual activity and inextricably linked with allowing my eye to make visual links between items – such as similar books or CDs on a shelf in a shop or library.  One of the…

5 books meme

With thanks to @flexnib for this one: 1. The book I’m currently reading: Thud by Terry Pratchett. 2. The last book I finished: Jingo, also by Terry Pratchett (I’m going through a phase) 3. The next book I want to read: On my bedside table is The Weight of Silence by Heather Gudenkauf. It’s been…

Overdrive(n) to despair

This is not meant to be a rant about Overdrive, more a discussion of my experiences (ok, frustrations) navigating this e-landscape.  I haven’t really taken up the e-books challenge yet, I like physical books, I love audio books and don’t really have a ‘need’ at this point to outlay for an e-reader.  I get all…