In my neighbourhood: Soggy Sunday

There’s an #EastCoastLow affecting cities and towns up and down, well, the east coast of Australia at the moment. We haven’t been too badly affected where I live in south western Sydney, apart from the cabin fever of a 7 month old border collie puppy, who has pretty much been stuck inside for 2 days straight…

A quick Vivid post

I’m putting up two posts today, which feels like cheating, but really the earlier one was ready yesterday, I just forgot to hit ‘publish’ in all the excitement of a busy day spent talking research data management and catching up with colleagues at my former place of work. AND I went to Vivid. For a few…

The fifth day of Christmas

Today is a cross between a #blog12daysxmas post and one of my Daytripper posts. This morning I mentioned to some friends that I was taking pot luck for my walk today: I had half a thought of going to Bondi or Coogee and walking some of the beautiful coast track, but when I got off…

Daytripper: Watson’s Bay

There is a lot of architecture going on in Watson’s Bay. Chiefly, there is a weatherboard, slightly nautical look that struck me as an architectural cross between The Ghost and Mrs Muir and Admiral Boom’s house from Mary Poppins. It intrigued me and I would have taken photos except that I felt a bit awkward about snapping pictures of…

Museum of Sydney

Part of my renewed energy and interest in the things going on around me led to a decision yesterday to head into town and visit the Museum of Sydney. Mostly because I’d never been.  It’s on the mandatory list of school excursions so my kids have been there – but I don’t often play tourist…

Water water everywhere

In the next of a not very reliable or regular series of posts designed to highlight the stories behind the photos I’m taking for the Friday Photos Challenge, I bring you a tiny bit of the Coast Walk – from South Bondi to Bronte Beach.  If you spend even 5 minutes looking through the Friday…