Why run?

Since January, I’ve been gradually coming back to running. There was a time 7 or 8 years ago that I ran regularly, 3 or 4 days a week, mostly at dawn in the Royal National Park with my dear friend and neighbour Linda. The years have rolled on, injuries and other setbacks put a hiatus…

Thinking Pink

Once again I am humbled and overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of my family and friends. Today we hosted our second Pink Ribbon Breakfast fundraising morning tea and together we have raised more than $1000 for this cause. Of course, it’s a cause close to my heart as it is for all too many…

What a difference a year makes

It’s Breast Cancer Awareness month again and today it is 12 months since my breast cancer diagnosis. In some ways it’s been a long year but in many other ways it seems to have just flown by.  In the whirl of appointments, panic, tears, laughter, fear and hope that followed that day I clearly remember…

Dry July 2013

Tonight I signed up for Dry July again. I’ve done it a few times before, but this year it is much more personal. If you don’t know about Dry July, it’s a fundraising campaign for Cancer Care centres around Australia and New Zealand. The money helps the Centres pay for important, but not medically necessary…

Botany Bay National Park

I love a long weekend! Particularly a four day long weekend. Good Friday saw us head out to Botany Bay National Park at Kurnell for a few hours with some friends who had a rare day off because of the public holiday and wanted to do some fishing. I’m not mad keen about fishing so…

A bald egg

My hair has been falling out for the past week and today my partner finally shaved what was left of it off for me. Oh the relief! No more hair coming out in handsful every time I have a shower, or turn my head suddenly, or forget and run my hand through my hair, or…