Taking books (and reading) for granted

In libraries everywhere the debate about whether the printed book is dead, or merely not that useful anymore continues to be a discussion. Of course, it can largely depend on the type of library in question. In my sector, academic libraries are making room for more student space often at the expense of print material because circulation (that’s library…

Making informed decisions

This, yesterday from Unshelved. Says it all about libraries really. Not just the things in our collection, but the information we provide about research impact, copyright, collection management or just about anything else. We are about providing the information so that our user community (client? patron? customer?) can decide what’s best for them, in their…

Incoming links

I’m a little bit obsessed with the stats page here on WordPress – I like to see how many folk are reading my blog (not very many, trust me) and what they are reading when they get here, but I REALLY like to see where they’ve come from to get here. Sometimes the search strings…

Another day in the life

Today was the kind of day that would have been perfect for the library ‘day in the life’ project – it was a really interesting day at work and a great example of why I love working in a large academic library. Of course, I can just write about it anyway… First up was an interview…

Doing a spot of gardening

Weeding. It’s a term all library folk know, even if it’s referred to in different organisations by another term. Such as culling. Or disposing. Or deselecting. Or ‘managing the collection’. You get the idea. For as long as libraries have held books there has been the vexed question of what to do with them as…

If I build it, will they come?

I am heartened by the fact that other staff at MPOW seem to think that student patronage of the library has increased tenfold since it has been staffed full time (about 6 weeks now).  I like to think that the fact that I am bombarding the students with messages, information, classes and emails is helping. …

Re-inventing the wheel

Welcome to my ramblings as a first year graduate (at 43) librarian.  I wanted to use this blog to record my achievements, efforts and successes (and yes, I guess my failures too!) so that I would have some way of being able to measure how far I had (hopefully) come in my first year of…