Creating international connections

After a trip to IFLA last year, a colleague at MPOW dreamed up a project to facilitate online peer-mentoring relationships between librarians from around the world and as sometimes happens with this particular colleague, got a few others (including me) involved. The International Librarians Network invites librarians to participate in a 6 month facilitated program…

So you want to be a librarian?

I’ve been involved in a review of some material in our Library & Information Science collection and in the process have come across some gems from the past. I’ve already highlighted one book that devoted a (short) chapter to the role of women in libraries. Today I bring you a short quote about the future…

Career mojo

Over the weekend I read a post from Fiona at A work in progress that has got me thinking about my career mojo. The blogosphere has been full of posts about what it means to be a librarian, what LIS students need to know, (here and here) and whether our university courses prepare librarians adequately…

Updating my CV

I was doing some updating of my ALIA PD points today and it startled me to see that I have pretty much already accumulated the points I need for the 2011 year (it’s a financial year thing).  I only joined the scheme in April 2010, realising that all the reading and learning I had been…

Never say never

Barely 8 months after saying “that’s it, I can’t possibly EVER study again” I find myself on the brink of a 6 week course on evidence based practice. FOLIOz is a program of online learning developed specifically for librarians at Sheffield University in the UK.  Here in Australia, ALIA links with this UK partner to…

Australian content?

The first ALJ for the year arrived in my PO Box this week.  I have always enjoyed getting and reading it, even when I had a student membership of ALIA I always added ALJ onto my subscription. I skimmed the articles and put them aside for later, deeper reading and dived straight into the book…