How I do love a conference: ALIA Information Online 2015

The first week in February was a busy professional one for me. The ALIA Information Online conference rolled into town and with a manager from MPOW on the program committee, we were in the thick of it with satellite and related events being hosted on our campus and a number of our staff chairing sessions…

I’m a guest!

My post for today appears over at ALIA Sydney’s blog. It’s the first time I’ve been a ‘guest blogger’ and I used the opportunity to shamelessly recruit for the ALIA New Generation Advisory Committee (NGAC) of which I’m currently chair. Pop over and have a read. Please?

Another day in the life

Today was the kind of day that would have been perfect for the library ‘day in the life’ project – it was a really interesting day at work and a great example of why I love working in a large academic library. Of course, I can just write about it anyway… First up was an interview…

Me? You want to ask me?

Last month I had a strange experience. Strange for me anyhow. If you follow me on twitter you’ll know I am @newgradlib – that is, a newly graduated librarian.  I don’t really know anything. I’m new. I’m learning. I offer words of encouragement and lots of nods & smiles but no real advice (except on…

Never say never

Barely 8 months after saying “that’s it, I can’t possibly EVER study again” I find myself on the brink of a 6 week course on evidence based practice. FOLIOz is a program of online learning developed specifically for librarians at Sheffield University in the UK.  Here in Australia, ALIA links with this UK partner to…

InCite at breakfast

Coffee and home made banana bread this morning, accompanied by a quick flick through InCite – it did land in my letterbox a day or two ago but I’ve been very busy commenting on blog posts and hadn’t even opened it until this morning. I was struck immediately by Kate Davis’ article about research in…

Death by training course

OK, so today wasn’t a highlight in my new career.  Training course in how to use the Libraries Australia database search functions, in a stuffy computer classroom – without access to Twitter!  I probably could have learned as much with a few hours, the database to myself to play around with and the work-it-out-as-I-go strategy, but…

Getting connected

Wow! I’ve just discovered Twitter…. I’ve not been a tweeter up until now, but joining NGAC has given me a whole bunch of new friends (in the social networking sense at this point, as I haven’t actually MET most of them yet)…  I’m enjoying feeling connected to others in Libraryland, really enjoying it. I had…