Live music

The past 2 or 3 years has seen me at more live music venues than the previous 40 years put together (if you don’t count school choirs & eistedfodds. Or churches.). One side-effect of a marriage breakdown is the ‘every second weekend with no kids’ thing.  This meant suddenly I had time on my hands…

A virtual advent calendar

When my kids were little, they always had one of those chocolate advent calendars. You know the ones – cardboard, pictures of Santa, or snow, or reindeer or Barbie or The Wiggles on the front and 24 little doors they could open to find a small piece of (barely edible) chocolate. This was a highlight…

Getting perspective

OK, I’m slightly calmer than I was when I wrote my last post.  The nest is still empty, but I’m getting used to it – not that I really have any choice, it’s either that or go completely mad. I’m struggling with what to do with this blog.  I like the opportunity to write about…

Desperately seeking a hobby

What happens when ALL your kids decide to move to their dad’s for a while and are only home with you 4 nights in 14? What on earth did I used to do with all that spare time after work and on weekends before I had kids?  Suddenly, 6pm seems awfully early to be arriving…