NDFNZ 2017

Videos from the NDFNZ 2017 conference in Wellington in November are now available for viewing. Held at the stunning Te Papa, this was the 16th conference of the National Digital Forum. There’s so much interesting content and lots that I didn’t get to see as it was multi streamed, but the presentations that made the…

Mentoring: informal, on the fly

In the run up to NLS8 and prompted by this post by @libsmatter a few weeks ago,here’s my two cents worth about mentoring. I haven’t been on either side of a formal mentoring situation and I’m not sure that setup is for me. It is definitely the informal mentors, the corridor conversations, the chance encounters in…

Conference support from afar

On Monday this week, I had the opportunity to be involved in a presentation to NLS6 in Brisbane. While staying in Sydney. Using twitter, @alysondalby and I sat in a room in Sydney providing links and information while our colleague @katecbyrne did the standing-up-in-front-of-a-crowd-thing in Brisbane to present on the benefits of international librarianship and…

Creating international connections

After a trip to IFLA last year, a colleague at MPOW dreamed up a project to facilitate online peer-mentoring relationships between librarians from around the world and as sometimes happens with this particular colleague, got a few others (including me) involved. The International Librarians Network invites librarians to participate in a 6 month facilitated program…

Libraries as e-research partners

This post is a joint contribution from myself and my colleague Kate (@katecbyrne). We are presenting a BoF (Birds of a Feather) session at the E-Research Australasia Conference at the end of October where we hope to spark debate with our topic “E-Research and Libraries: A Perfect Partnership?”. We recognise this is at times a…

A bit of stats excitement

Blog stats that is… @katecbyrne is currently in Helsinki attending IFLA2012 and she very kindly viewed my blog yesterday, just so that I would have  a Finnish flag in my stats! I am easily amused. Where are the strangest places you’ve had ‘hits’ from?

Presenting the Digital Humanities

Yesterday I finally presented back to MPOW on the Digital Humanities conference I went to in March. Because it’s mostly pictures, to make any sense of this presentation you’ll have to go look at it on Slideshare – I didn’t realise the embed code doesn’t bring across the notes.  I’d like to thank my colleagues…

Abstractedly writing

I’m distracted. I’m co-writing an abstract for a conference. It’s the first one I’ve done so it’s a learning experience. I’m one of those people who usually has trouble getting up to the word limit in an essay because I’d rather say it in one sentence  than 3. This is not necessarily an attribute of…