The fifth day of Christmas

Today is a cross between a #blog12daysxmas post and one of my Daytripper posts. This morning I mentioned to some friends that I was taking pot luck for my walk today: I had half a thought of going to Bondi or Coogee and walking some of the beautiful coast track, but when I got off…

Daytripper: Watson’s Bay

There is a lot of architecture going on in Watson’s Bay. Chiefly, there is a weatherboard, slightly nautical look that struck me as an architectural cross between The Ghost and Mrs Muir and Admiral Boom’s house from Mary Poppins. It intrigued me and I would have taken photos except that I felt a bit awkward about snapping pictures of…

Walking to Wentworth Falls

It’s not exactly a strenuous bushwalk, but the walk down to the top of Wentworth Falls from the carpark and picnic grounds is a nice way to spend an hour. There are some steps, so if you haven’t been before, be prepared for a huffy and puffy walk back up the cliff (unless you are…

A tree or three

Last week’s Friday photos theme was trees. I managed to get a photo up into the group for the first time in a few weeks – it was this one, called ‘Digital Wattle’ from my trip into town to the Vivid festival. As always happens when the Friday photos theme goes up, I have other…

A green afternoon

This week’s Friday Photos theme is ‘green’ and this weekend’s trip to Sydney Olympic Park had me clicking away with my new android phone (frankly, I think the camera in it is better than my actual camera) as there was green everywhere! In keeping with the theme of green, one of the places we visited…

The value of social networking

I have blogged about the value of my personal learning network before and my use of social media to build this network, but I rarely think about what I consider social networking to be. Social networking is the process of using social media tools to build a network of friends, colleagues, professionals, or business contacts,…

In which I talk about depression

I know this seems like a weird topic to insert into the middle of my series of Virtual Advent Calendar posts, but here it is anyway.  I promise this won’t be a morbid or depressing post! Stay with me if you start to wonder where this post is going – it does come together. During…

30 things

During June I participated in a project called ‘blog every day in June‘, along with a bunch of other library types.  It was great fun, although challenging to come up with a new blog post every single day for 30 days (plus get involved in the project by reading other blogs and commenting).  Anyway, at…

New shiny

Last week I got me a new MacBook.  I did need a new computer, honestly.  And it was probably time to do the switch from Windows to Apple.  I dithered a bit (ok a lot) about whether to replace my laptop with another laptop or to go the whole hog and lash out on a…