Towards digital humanities: testing out some coding

My brain has been in a whirl much of the past three days as I’ve been following the twitter stream coming out of a major Australian library conference (VALA 2016) going on in Melbourne. I had colleagues from my new workplace presenting four different papers, two of which were on projects that fall into my area…

Coding. Or not.

OK. So the ‘thing’ for 2012 seems to be coding. Everybody is either doing it, or urging others to do it, or writing, blogging or tweeting about doing it. Roy Tennant over at Digital Shift says all library professionals need to at least understand coding & urges us to try out Codeacademy’s Code Year initiative.…

New shiny in the workplace

We haz an iPad in our team and we are downloading your apps… The Outreach teams at MPOW have been given an iPad to use in our work.  We have to share it, but it’s a pretty damn exciting piece of equipment to be allowed to play with, particularly as buying my own is not…

Why I love microblogging

I thought about just writing “Twitter. That is all. #microblog” and leaving it at that. However, I’m going to assume that some people who read this post may not be twitter users and the aim of this post is not to a) spruik twitter or b) alienate anyone who doesn’t tweet. Having said that, I…

Not sure what iThink

News today from the Library Journal’s Digital Libraries blog predicting the ultimate death of Amazon’s Kindle, particularly given the successful introduction of the iPad world wide.  DL’s Roy Tennant argued in 2008 that he knows “plenty of early adopters and none have confessed to having popped for something that simultaneously looks dorky and costs way…

Getting paid to have fun

This past couple of weeks has seen me working on a website for the library, within the Google Aps domain that we hold at MPOW.  Google Sites is a wiki based ‘put the modules together’ platform and really easy to use (once you get the basics sorted out in your head!)  While there are all…