A Singapore break

  One of the things on my not-bucket list in the year of turning 50, was to visit my brother in Singapore. He’s currently living there on an 18 month-ish break from his usual UK abode – it seemed like an opportunity to catch up with him for much less fuss and cost than a…

Hot air and culture

Last weekend I travelled to Canberra with my partner and a good friend to see the Toulouse-Lautrec exhibition showing at the National Gallery of Australia. The exhibition was good – well put together and clearly ‘home grown’ rather than a blockbuster imported exhibition such as we’ve seen there before. While many of the major works…

A Blue Mountains getaway

This weekend we headed up to the Blue Mountains for a few hours getaway. We didn’t leave until Saturday morning and were home just after lunch on Sunday so it might not really qualify as a weekend away – but we managed to pack lots in regardless. First up was a visit to the Norman…

Yarriabini National Park

For as long as I can remember, the telecommunications towers on the top of Mount Yarrahappini have been an indicator that we were ‘nearly there’. I camp with my own family at Scott’s Head on the NSW mid north coast each year but long before that, my parents had a holiday house in the nearby…

Five things

Inspired by Bookgrrl’s post on 5 things that are the same or different to 5 years ago (the last time the Census rolled around) I thought I’d reflect on this too. I had to stop and think about the question of where I was living 5 years ago – it seems like a lifetime ago…

30 things

During June I participated in a project called ‘blog every day in June‘, along with a bunch of other library types.  It was great fun, although challenging to come up with a new blog post every single day for 30 days (plus get involved in the project by reading other blogs and commenting).  Anyway, at…

A travel meme

I’m still sifting through all the #blogeverydayinjune entries and found Snail’s travel meme that I meant to do in June…. What “City, Country” do you live in? Sydney, Australia What was the last country you visited other than your own (or that you want to if you haven’t been out of your country)? England/France What…