Surviving birthday parties

Whew! Over the past 5 weeks all 3 of my kids have celebrated their birthdays. What WAS I thinking at the time???

General turned 17 in true monosyllabic style – Q: “what would you like to do for your birthday?” A: “grunt”, Q: “would you like to just ignore it altogether?” A: “grunt”. There is no way to get this right dear reader. In the end we settled for just organising something around him.
This is the first year of truly separate birthday celebrations for the kids – last year their father and I, in our newly separated guilt, managed to celebrate together with them all. Not this year. The logistics of trying to organise birthday parties, working out which weekend is going to work, who is where and how it is all going to come together was bad enough. In the middle of all of this, Young Gun(who is turning 12) announces that its all ‘stupid’ and he can’t see why they have to be apart from one or other parent on their birthday. Enter more separation guilt again…….
We had 15 of Bookworms closest friends for a mid winter party down in the garage – I managed to stay upstairs by the fire, so can’t really give details of how it all went!
The Young Gun has only just had his birthday and it has fallen on a weekend at his dad’s, so we are yet to organise anything for him. The one good thing about all their birthdays falling so close together is it is all over now for another year 🙂