It’s not really a bucket list

Tempolimit immer dabei by Holger Slaghuls CC BY-NC 2.0

Tempolimit immer dabei by Holger Slaghuls CC BY-NC 2.0

I’m in my 50th year and wanted to make that mean something. I remember clearly my 30th and 40th birthdays and while I’m not afraid of turning 50, I wanted to be able to look back and say ‘well that was a fun year!’ because I knew it would stay with me as a marker in years ahead. Leading up to my 49th birthday at Easter, a conversation with my dear friend A in Copenhagen led me on to develop a list of ‘things to do’ in my year of turning 50. Some freestyle thinking from friends and family has seen quite a list grow (although I refused to put Bookworm’s suggestion of jumping out of a plane onto the list). It includes some big goals like visiting my brother in Singapore and some smaller ones like doing at least 50,000 steps every week for the entire 52 weeks or . I’m trying to photograph at least one thing each week for #thingsstartingwithC – once I’d run through clouds, coffee and cats that started to get a bit more challenging and now includes words like ‘challenge’ and ‘creativity’ – not sure where I’ll be at by week 52.

Anyway, part of #blogJune will be sharing some of those with you – some have been quite an adventure, others just a nice interlude in an otherwise unremarkable week. It will form part of my #festivalof50

3 thoughts on “It’s not really a bucket list

  1. Pingback: A Singapore break | What's next?

  2. Pingback: Daytripper: Barrenjoey Lighthouse | What's next?

  3. #calypso, #copacabana and #caligula come to mind for your #thingsstartingwithc. Oh, oh, and #Csharp! 😉

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